Yesterday, in my office, I am interviewing a prospective new employee. Now, this particular person has been with the company in the past, so I knew her. Yes, her....so, I am in the midst of the interview and realize that this fairly large woman has no clue that her fly is standing wide open.
Do you tell her?
Now, not one to set out to embarass someone.....I would never purposely cause another person pain unless absolutely necessary, I did my best to avoid the sight. But, much like the penut butter smeared on the mouse trap of life, I knew my eyes would return if only for the oddity of it all. She is such a nice lady, but a very large one and definitely not my type, but that gaping mound had my attention like the proverbial accident on the side of the road....you don't want to look, you know if you do there is a distinct possibility you will see something you won't be able to shake from your mind for miles or days, and yet the eyes seem to go there all on their own.
It was later in the day that one of the other men came to me and asked if I had noticed. I couldn't lie and do so with much of a straight face...I said yes, I noticed. But, I didn't want to embarass the lady.
Mr. Comedian then said perhaps she was trying to lure you.....I walked away laughing at more than his winking eyes and hint-hint expression. In my mind I could only chuckle at the thought: Lady, you are fishing with the wrong worm.