You see, I find this to be one of the most beautiful things ever. It's incredibly innocent, caring, hopeful and endearing. And yet, for Santorum, it is evil, hedonous and despicable. He sees it as the end of civilization and a riot in the making. Why?

So, why do I think that there's some hope in having someone run who is so polarizing and distasteful and yet unaccountably popular? Well, I guess it comes from two sources; one is that I find myself an Obama supporter. I wasn't at first, but he's made some real progress in areas that needed help. My hope is that he can make great use of a second term and, unconcerned about keeping his job, can really do his job and be the change this country needs. I personally believe that Obama can beat Santorum.
My second hope is in America. I really do have a lot of hope for our country. It is my sincere hope that given the opportunity to go from what is interesting to fiddle with to what is reality, people will begin to see just how sanctimonious and dangerous this bigot and backwards thinking man really is. Perhaps we need the opportunity to be tested and grow up. Of course, everytime one comes to the plate, the chance of striking out is actually greater than the chance of a homerun. One has to dream.
Electric and hybrid cars. I drive a pick-up truck. A chevy, because I am partial to them, though I love the head-on look of the F-150. The Dodge is not so appealing to me. Toyota Tundra I like. But, the point of it all is mute: I can't afford any of them.
The problem I have is though I love my truck, it sucks gas. I am really only getting about 17 mpg. But, at 6'5", I don't fit in the little trucks - well, not in the cab. So, I'm forced to stick with the larger vehicles. What would really strike me is the electric/gas version of my truck! I don't think they make one, and if they did it would cost way too much. For that matter, I have no idea what the projected maintenance is one electric. Do any of you?
So, what brings this to you today? The Iranians. Do you remember the Seinfeld show? Specifically, the episodes that referred to "The Soup Nazi"? He was so disagreeable, so explosive and unsettling, but sold the best soup. People would line up out the door with hat in hand hoping to be so humble and yet worthy of a bowl of this man's soup. From what I hear, it is actually based on a real person who really sells great soup.
I think of these middle eastern countries as much like this soup nazi. The have us by the collective curlies. We are so addicted to the crude that we seek ways of controlling those countries at the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of lives, while at the same time courting them like psychotic rich wives and excuse any and all offenses until they become just too much.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to not be a slave to oil? Wouldn't it be wonderful to end our reliance on oil? Or more to the point, the endless drama and distasteful actions of people so enamoured with the power that the oil brings them?

The benefits in exercise being obvious, I also have a dog that loves to run. I am unable. My joints just won't take it. I joke now that as a kid I'd maybe run from a fight - now I'll take the ass whoopin just so my knees and back don't get trashed. So, taking my puppers for a run is something I know that she would enjoy. But, also, I spend at least a 1.5 gallons of gas just to go to work every day. The projections are for gas prices to raise to $5.00 this summer. I could ride to work every now and again. Ok, that's bs and we all know it - but it's as good a reason to spend $500 as any other. And, it would be nice to be able to ride around a bit and enjoy the wind in my face, the bugs in my teeth. I wonder how long it would take before the dog decided to run in front of me and stop?