Hello Friends;
I was about to post my happy dog pics, a feature that has quickly become enjoyable for me. But, just as I'd found the one that I wanted to post, my own dog caught my attention. Not an unusual event, she's an attention junkie. I have her in a twelve-step program...it isn't working. But, as some of you may recall, I adopted my dog from a no-kill adoption agency for stray dogs; for rescue dogs. I never know if the term "rescue" refers to the dog or the new owner. My little monster has been a constant source of companionship, love, laughter, and the occasional frustration....and in all of that, she has reshaped my thinking and the way I feel about things. So, hot topic for me.
Therefore, I sought out a national adoption agency that was no-kill to post the happy puppy dog pics, the
Lessons from my Friend posts for today. Please visit

to see these dogs that are posted today and many others. Also, please see the information on puppy mills and the horrid effects they have on dogs. (Come equipped with hanky or tissue.)
I've not put any captions for these pictures. The beautiful animals speak volumes all on their own. Please consider adopting or donating to a no-kill agency. In these hard economic times, your help - at whatever level you can give - is so very much needed.
Thank you...and I'll get off the soap box now.