The Hoodie!
As our good friend Geraldo Rivera spelled out so earnestly in his recent cant oddly clearly heard despite having his head so far up his ass, it is the hoodie, that terrible and terrifying garment from hell, that has once again taken a fine young man to his grave and cast the innocent and pure George Zimmerman into legal limbo. God Damn those Hoodies!!!!!!!
I, for instance, always quake in the presence of a hoodie sweatshirt. They frighten me. How can it not? Obviously a creation of satan, designed purely for the criminal element. An artifice of evil. Men stand in awe, in outright fear from the very concept. Yet, the garment persists.
There can be no Peace with hoodies. There can be no love with hoodies. They are the devil's spawn, my people. Don't you see!
Ok, mayhap I've over sold my point. It's happened before.
For those of you who don't know, a young man by the name of Treyvon Martin was stalked, eventually killed, by a man who was supposedly the local neighborhood watch captain. An armed watch captain, which is against the rules, and one who was told by the police dispatcher to stay away from the kid. This man, George Zimmerman, failed to pass the tests required to be a police officer, most likely those dealing with aggression, delusions of grandeur and self importance, autocracy, etc. He stalked this young man for "looking like he was into something:" - yeah, he was into a jug of sweet tea and a bag of Skittles.

George Zimmerman has not been charged with a crime. Yet.
Why? Well, it was the hoodie, of course. Of course! Of course. It couldn't be that the lad was of dark complexion. So-called Black. Nope. It was that damn hoodie sweatshirt.