I've come to talk with you again.
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its image while I was sleeping.
And the vision that was planted in my brain,
It still remains............in my closet.
Hi everyone;
Over the weekend, I've had time to consider my closet. It's a theme I've thought about numerous times, so I hope you don't mind, but it's on my mind a lot. But, perhaps that's just the thing: As we think on something we come closer to the solution, and conversely, as we avoid something we hide from the very truth of it. So, in order to be in control of my very life, I need to be in control of my closet - as it were - and that requires that I,at least, know the truth and can be comfortable with that truth.
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The Media and America |

So, who am I and what do I want from life? I think I deserve to have a life the way I want, for the most part, don't you? After all, I am a homeowner, ok - the mortgagor still owns a fair portion, I work more than a 40 hour week, I help my neighbors, I volunteer with community stray animal rescue, I pay my taxes, pay my bills and obligations, don't speed..... much....
But, somehow, I don't count as much to society as the guy who has children - even who has numerous children that he doesn't care for. ?
America has lost its' mind. Like a bunch of sheep, it has allowed hypocrites and control freaks to declare, dictate, legislate and politicize my very freedom. Who are they? Where are they when my feet are cold, when I ache from loneliness and just want to know that I'm loved? Why do they get a vote on who shares my bed, my life, when they aren't willing to be in my bed or my life? This is not the way I wanted this article to go, but dammit I'm angry that groups like NOM and others get to put in their two cents when, quite frankly, they don't care!
Well, angry is not how I want to live my life.... let me tell you about this dream I had last night: I lived a great portion of my childhood within biking distance of the beach. And, during my 14th summer, that is where I spent the majority of my days. I would ride there in the morning after my chores were done, spend the day with friends or even alone in the sun and the surf, turning brown in the sun, then come home before the parents to finish off any chores before dinner. It was a good summer, and quite frankly, my last good summer. So, perhaps that's why I still dream of it at times. And, that's where I was last night. No one cared that I was holding hands with another man, that we were in love, that we were "out in the open". We were just us, among a bunch of other "us"es. It was a beautiful dream.