before were there for my entire life (I bought the house I was born in). It's odd to see new folks, with new habits and new ways of doing thing, expectations, quirks, irks, etc. They are a very young couple and quite polite. Nice people, all around.
The gentleman is out mowing his lawn right now. I was out earlier working in the back yard - a large project that has taken me my entire vacation to do and is still not complete. I needed a break, and it was after I took my break that he came out to mow. Perhaps he knows that neither of us would get much done if we were both out at the same time.

In my noted "doubt", I began to think on borders. See, the fence is by code 12-inches inside the border line. I put up a wire fence to keep Gracie in, but the fence panels were put up by my parents - the previous owners - for privacy. I don't think they are very effective. But, the wire fence is needed to keep Gracie in my yard. She is my responsibility, her mess is mine to worry about.
Now, there are things that flow over borders. I try to encourage moles to stay in their yard. I realize that Gracie poop stinks, so I try to keep that cleaned up. I try to be sure not to be too obnoxious and disturb the neighbors. But, when it all comes down, we only share a sight line and a bit of cooperation; what is in my border is my responsibility and business, not theirs. Outside of generally caring for the place and being decent and polite, neighborly, what I do is none of their concern.

Christianity seems to repeatedly get caught in this obvious issue. Despite the humble beginnings, where being Christian was to be hunted and hated, to a time where so called Christians felt it acceptable to declare others unworthy of life: Inquisition, Crusades, Colonialism, Witch Trials, Slavery/Racism.