In this adult blog, it is my hope that you find things that make you think, give you opportunity to voice your opinion, and allow us to be a community of people who care - even if from afar - for eachother. Be welcome and let your heart be heard.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
a vid that left me rolling
Monday, March 28, 2011
A bit out of the loop for a moment...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
ASL and Music
Friday, March 25, 2011
Effective Time Consultants...
Have you ever noticed that prejudice is only logical in the absence of logic?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
For Doug, and us all...
This artist is named Sungha Jung. He was actually the first I found doing a cover of this song, and I didn't know this, but he has a number of such songs. Quite talented, huh?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
a vid that caught my attention
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Send in the Clowns

Saturday, March 19, 2011
This came in the mail today...
Friday, March 18, 2011
An Interesting Find
Sissy like Nigger is one of the most dangerous words in the American language. Both carry death with them. Both say you’re less than nothing. Not a soul, not a person. You’re fair game for violence even murder. Sissies are non-men. Not men, but not women either. To men Sissies are the ultimate “Other”. In the world of males there’s a gender police. These are fathers, uncles, your brothers your mates, boys from the block. They make sure that the boundaries of Manhood, Guyhood are ‘never’ crossed. No one is allowed to stray into the land of the Other. The realms of Sissy-hood. This fearful frontier is well guarded with threats, and violence. Racial, and religious divides are similarly protected. If a father or guardian suspects that a boy in his care is not right they take action at once. Usually beatings, and humiliations are used. “Do you want to be a woman?!” they shout as they beat, and traumatize these gentle boys. Manhood is the issue. “I’ll make a man of you if it kills you!”, sound familiar? Sometimes father’s have killed sons. Today in our so called era of acceptance. Classmates, and neighbors outright murder young Sissies or drive them to suicide. All this has become the American version of Middle Eastern honor killings. Over the years I’ve come to realize that this suffering is a cruel tradition. An ongoing deadly rite of passage for Sissies, and Queers. A kind of male equivalent to the violent molestation of young girls by trusted family or friends. I wonder what frightens them so much? What is it about Sissies that makes otherwise rational men go violently berserk? …and that is what they do. I have seen this. As I mentioned a boy doesn’t have to be a Homosexual to be a Sissy. Indeed in my life I have sadly found that more than a few so-called gays are either uncomfortable with Sissies or outright despise them as much as straight do. In my view Sissydom isn’t primarily about genital sexuality. Sissydom or Sissyhood is a unique way of honoring life. All life. It’s about having a special awareness of all the world around you. “Sensitive” I remember that was the word that my mother, and aunts used to describe me as a lad. I actually like it because coming from them it was an endearment. A sincerely given one. Some cousins, and classmates had other words for me. So how did I know I was a Sissy, a Queer one at that? When did I know how profoundly different I was from most around me? How did I know I was Sensitive? Each of us has a special moment of realization. For me I was perhaps eight years old. It was fall I was in our school yard, and I was watching the sky. The mornings that time of years are so beautiful. The sky, the deep, deep blue sky. I felt as if I were being lifted up embraced, enveloped by it. The clouds were curled, and briskly sailed across the horizon. The looked like the waves at sea. The churning ocean in Hokusai paintings. I was lost in the beauteous wonder of it all. Indeed so lost, and removed from the gray everyday that I hadn’t noticed that my class had gone in. Sister Alice had to come back out to get me. That simple long ago morning magic was, and is the essence of Sissyhood. Being a Sissy is to have the natural ability to be lost, so lost in beauty, and gentleness that you forget all else. A Sissy does this without trying. No special prayers, no meditations or gurus. It just happens. Of course this blessing, this sensitivity exists in all beings, but in men it’s beaten out of them in childhood. It’s tortured away from them. It’s as if it were surgically removed. It’s gone, and they’ve come to forget they ever had it. However with Sissies it’s different. It’s who we are. Threaten us, beat us all you want we don’t change,..can’t change. We don’t lose it. The sky will ‘always’ be beautiful to us, and we will always say so. We will be taken up by it, and lost in it. I wonder how many Sissies have been martyred for loving the heavens for loving color, sweetness, and gentleness. Amen.
I didn't post the source to this. It isn't for some desire to take credit, but to protect him. He didn't ask me to repost this, he didn't ask me to share his story - but it's a story that seems to cry out for others to hear.
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hell yes… the man is right on the button. We are all humans and need to get over these moronic ideas and bigotry.
http://pfowolf.tumblr.com/post/3885193365/hell-yes-the-man-is-right-on-the-button-we-are The above all comes from the link posted...the link doesn't seem to be working, but?...... I stumbled upon this interview with Morgan Freeman. He's one of my favorite actors of all time. He has a genuineness about him that I like. But, having read this interview, I started to think: Do you suppose it is at all reasonable to say that racism, bigotry of any nature actually, is only encouraged by being talked about? Obviously, the negative talk engenders the bias, but is it the same if the "positive" talk is used? Is it like saying "I do not believe that George is cheating on his wife" and thereby creating the debate that he is? Is it then the same by saying "I believe that gays should be able to marry" then creating the debate? I don't know how to say this...it is a concept that is beyond my words right now. It's almost like speaking something into existence. What are your thoughts?Interviewer: Black history month you find…
Morgan Freeman: Ridiculous.
Interviewer: Why?
Morgan Freeman: You’re going to relegate my history to a month?
Interviewer: Oh, come on.
Morgan Freeman: What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month?
Interviewer: (pause) Well, I’m Jewish.
Morgan Freeman: Okay. Which month is jewish history month?
Interviewer: There isn’t one.
Morgan Freeman: Oh, oh. Why not? Do you want one?
Interviewer: No.
Morgan Freeman: Right. I don’t either. I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American history.
Interviewer: How are we going to get rid of racism?
Morgan Freeman: Stop talking about it.
Odd looking houses

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Lessons from my Friend
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Internal Bleeding
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Thought provoking pic
Lessons from my Friend - another comes from Miles
Monday, March 7, 2011
Prejudice comes in many flavors
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I wonder about Republicans...

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Rescue Me!

Thursday, March 3, 2011
the Life story of Jordan Brown in Penn?

- When did it become acceptable for the authorities to circumvent the rights of the child by questioning him without a parent or lawyer?
- How is it that an 11-yr old boy is expected to know enough to commit such a crime without getting a realistic degree of particle evidence on him or his clothes and yet be so dumb as to be seen carrying a gun to the stepmother's room? And, why is that information only due to considerable questioning of a seven year old girl after the shock of learning her step mother is now dead? Further, why is that information so compelling when it is obviously suspect, at best, for idea planting by the police to a traumatized and impressionable 2nd grader?
- Why is it that bond is not available? Do they feel he would be a flight risk? How far can you get on a Schwinn?
- Why does one need to be remorseful about something to which he is pleading Not Guilty in order to be given the appropriate protections of the law?
- How much evidence and reason is appropriate to determine that a child, who is not able to get into movies with strong language, has the other adult faculties necessary and should be tried as an adult?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Some Cuties

MattyB raps - Born This Way
Hi Everyone;
I saw this vid on the blog "born this way". Have you checked the blog out yet? Why not? Go there! Well, this was such a great and happy vid. He had another there with a girl singing and I was just amazed. I couldn't carry a tune if you put it in a backpack. So, please, enjoy the vid, go visit this great blog...it's in the blog roll, just click the link! ... and please visit the other links on his page as you see fit.
I think very often people look at their lives and go beyond wishing it was different, they begin to believe they are defective. Monsters. Friends, I don't have answers, but I know that living in a society that doesn't always agree with your choices makes life very difficult. It does not make you a monster. How you choose to live is your choice - and yes, there are often consequences to those choices. But, please, believe you are a star, loved, worthy of love. Tell yourself that as you look into the mirror. In this sometimes trying world, you may be the only one to tell you that you are loved, but it really doesn't matter if one person says it or a million - you are the only one that can believe it.