What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed? Michelangelo.
People think God is against the very body He created….. Scottie.
There is some sort of sickness in America. It goes deeper than the current day, deeper than the era. Somehow, we in America have come to find the human body offensive. Now, make no mistake, I do not look good naked. I’m well out of shape for my close-up on PlayGirl. I’ve enjoyed far too many Doritos and pizza, beer….dang, now I’m hungry. However, taking a body more in line with God’s vision than with Ben & Jerry’s, there are still people out there who find the human body offensive.
Taking on the simple right to be sky-clad are this “class” of folks intent on being the moral authority above and beyond even God. Looking back to Genesis, we find our innocence lost and God asking Adam ‘who told you that you were naked’. Perhaps, more directly He was asking ‘who told you naked was bad?’. And yet, thumped into our heads for millenia that God created Man (inclusive term) in His image (and naked), and it was good, these folks still find the whole concept offensive. How absurd.
Obscenity laws and complaints fall under the general heading of what is considered offensive to the community. Isn’t it interesting that what one community finds offensive, another would not. But that doesn’t matter, it is the ‘right’ of the offended to look but not see, to live in bliss but not think, to demand their justice and eat their offal with a smile. Most of the rest of the community shrug, not understanding the drama portrayed until, one day, damn if it ain’t a law now.
A very good friend told me about being in Germany and seeing people at the beach nude and right next to them were folks clothed. Families, couples, whatever…it’s just skin. He said the running joke was that you could tell the Americans at such a beach by the way they stared about in wide-eyed wonder, lust, ???, while being sure to lay on their stomach. Surely they have seen skin before?
In this fine little America we find ourselves so separated from the concept of seeing another’s “privates” that when the time comes for kids to change their clothes in the locker-rooms they are terrified. “Someone will see my peepee”. And? Why should this be a problem? Why in the world should kids grow up thinking that they have hidden the most embarrassing, different, shocking or unusual piece of equipment that will surely provoke laughter, outrage, scandal, or riot? And why in the hell has the mere showing of that little nub of skin become so outlandish and offensive to the common mind?
Well, if you can’t tell, I’m pissed. I’m pissed because now I’ve come to middle age and I’m bound by these stupid moral codes that have been so implanted into my brain. I want to be free, and I want to see people who are free, and yet I acknowledge that I am a coward and scream from behind these bars. Hell, I’m half afraid of walking about my own house naked for fear someone will look into the window and be offended. What silliness is that?
Well, I am no expert on the subject. I’d hoped to draw an expert’s insight, but ??? Please give your comments to this post.

The laugh of the moment; I am so concerned right now that something will be considered offensive by these moral grandstanders that I googled "legal nudist image". This is one such that was given. So, you little dark-room snickering simps, got a problem with this pic? see google.
i for one could never understand the stink about nudity.... just because someone is nude doesn't mean that it is sexual. for some reason there are too many people that relate nudity with sex.
Hello Randy. You are right about the weird view of using religion against the very human body that God gifted us with. But it goes deeper. As said above a huge amount of people think nude equals sex. Why is that, because the only time they see another person nude or get seen nude is when they are having sex them self. The only nudity they saw with out having sex was a sex magazine that maybe the adult male in the family bought and it had to be hidden.
So sex and the sex parts are the only shared nudity so many people have known. Sad! So the focus becomes not on nudity but on those two ( or three if you count breasts ) parts that are always to be hidden. So now it goes....
nudity = Sex + Sex Parts. That is really Sad!
As someone who works in an ICU and sees the whole human body in a setting that has little privacy, which requires me to not only see but take care of those parts on both genders, the human body becomes so much more than those parts. They are demystified.
That is the point most Americans need to come to. Those parts hidden are no more important than the fingers on the hand. They have no more need of notice than a persons ears. We have to make the whole body normal and not have "special Parts" that need to be hidden.
As to the perfect body and shapes. Well I have seen all shapes and sizes of people. Trust me, no matter the shape or size, they are people, just people, important because they are people.
As for those parts, an interesting bit of trivia. In the ICU I have seen testicles swell up bigger than a grapefruit. So huge you couldn't hold them in both hands.
I recommend people get use to seeing those parts, take the mystery out of them and learn to clean and care for them. Remember most people will have an older relative that lives with them and will need the help in their daily toiletries. If you are afraid of that part, you can't help keep it clean as needed and that will make for a very painful and costly hospitalization.
Many hugs Randy. This post is grand and I plan to link to from my blog. Thanks and much love and hugs.
Hello Randy. You are right about the weird view of using religion against the very human body that God gifted us with. But it goes deeper. As said above a huge amount of people think nude equals sex. Why is that, because the only time they see another person nude or get seen nude is when they are having sex them self. The only nudity they saw with out having sex was a sex magazine that maybe the adult male in the family bought and it had to be hidden.
So sex and the sex parts are the only shared nudity so many people have known. Sad! So the focus becomes not on nudity but on those two ( or three if you count breasts ) parts that are always to be hidden. So now it goes....
nudity = Sex + Sex Parts. That is really Sad!
As someone who works in an ICU and sees the whole human body in a setting that has little privacy, which requires me to not only see but take care of those parts on both genders, the human body becomes so much more than those parts. They are demystified.
That is the point most Americans need to come to. Those parts hidden are no more important than the fingers on the hand. They have no more need of notice than a persons ears. We have to make the whole body normal and not have "special Parts" that need to be hidden.
As to the perfect body and shapes. Well I have seen all shapes and sizes of people. Trust me, no matter the shape or size, they are people, just people, important because they are people.
As for those parts, an interesting bit of trivia. In the ICU I have seen testicles swell up bigger than a grapefruit. So huge you couldn't hold them in both hands.
I recommend people get use to seeing those parts, take the mystery out of them and learn to clean and care for them. Remember most people will have an older relative that lives with them and will need the help in their daily toiletries. If you are afraid of that part, you can't help keep it clean as needed and that will make for a very painful and costly hospitalization.
Many hugs Randy. This post is grand and I plan to link to from my blog. Thanks and much love and hugs.
Sorry that posted twice. I used my google account and it said it failed to post, then I put it through my wordpress account and it posted. Then I noticed the google one posted also. Love and hugs and warm thoughts,
Where did all this aversion to nudity come from? In the 50's we just to go skinny dipping with our friends. Boys now seem to find that repulsive.
Hi Scottie and my two Anonymous friends;
We've certainly seemed to lose out on some things in this culture, huh. I can't help but to wonder...didn't the bathing wear for the beach once be nearly a full suit of clothes...and yet simple nudity then was just that - wasn't it? We do some odd stuff.
No, I don't find it repulsive... Nor do any of my friends. LOL... I'm pretty sure we skinny dip just as much as you all did back in the day. i'm 17 now and not all the time but maybe a few times the past summer and many summers before we went me and all my friends boys and girls went skinny dippin. yaaa nigga
Hi Anonymous;
Thanks for commenting. I guess there were some assumptions made. Great to see that the fun and innocence ... well, maybe not so innocent at 17, eh?, well, carry on :). randy.
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