It is in moments when we can see just how vast the universe truly is that we understand how small our concerns can be in the scope of everything, and yet how big to us.

Look at all those galaxies...and each has thousands of suns with planets.

Gas and dust and stars....

Oops...that's two pics up there.
Awesome and inspiring. Randy I have always been attracted to pictures of space. I also feel there has to be intelligent life out there some where. It has been proven there is life, microbiological, so it goes along with reason that as many planets as must be, there is life on some of them. Thanks for the pictures. Hugs and smiles. Scottie
Hi Scottie- I read your comment the other day but got puled away before I could respond. The color on these pics- just fantastic. Saw the pics of your new putty-tat. He's beautiful. Again, congrats! I'm so very happy for you. Isn't it funny how the darn things seem to enjoy making a mess and we just say "awwww-ain't he cute". -randy.
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