Hello friend;
As I said before, Micky suggested that I make these into smaller batches. I've noticed that he prefers to put one pic up at a time. It's really nothing more than the stroke of a button or two, so no matter to me. Does anyone else have a preference for the number of pics per post?
This series is of pics that I noticed in my web-world travels. Sometimes I see a pic and it makes me say "wow", sometimes it touches my heart, and sometimes I find myself not really understanding the message. Seeing the picture vs. understanding the picture, ya know.
I hope these touch you, too.

I'm not sure what this one is saying...

I love the eagle eye intensity.... but it looks
a bit like a Zoolander pose.
Well now you see, since there's just two pics there I can say that the first or top one is just so obviously with a gay thought in mind but I doubt I'm the only one who doesn't find it sexy!
The lower picture, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite.
Now I couldn't say that sort of stuff if you'd kindly given us six or eight or ten pics at one go!
By all means post more pics, just do them as separate posts so that they generate separate comment opportunities - that was the point!
But it's your blog - you do what you want!
I think that a single picture is appreciated and commented on more than half a dozen. Kieran's single pics are often commented on - many picture blogs who post a batch each time get no comments at all.
I rest my case!
ok, Micky, case rested.
So, when you look at the first and say "gay thought on the mind" are you saying yours, his, both? I am wondering if the blindfold is opening his eyes or closing them? Is it a blindfold or a bandage? Is it a bandanna like flag, proclaiming himself ... and why is his body language so closed. You see, I get some of the surface, but I lose a bit sometimes when I look further.
But, understanding the first will give me better understanding of the second being "opposite".
So, dig deeper for me, Micky. hugs.
In case you don't know, the second pic is Russian Olympic diver Victor (last name begins with M, but I can't recall it all)from 2008. There was controversy over his age; some said 15&1/2, some said 17 or 18. There are hundreds of photos of him floating around cyberspace.
just call me 'xznya' until I figure out how to get a google account. They don't like me for some reason.
Hi xznya;
I can imagine there being so many, he is beautiful. And, you are fine commenting any way you want. Thanks for the id on this cutie. randy.
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