Hi Friends;
It sometimes feels a bit presumptuous when I put my two cents into fights than have been weighing for years and years regarding issues I only recently became associated or even aware existed as relevant to my life. I guess this is one of them. Barely acknowledging my own feelings and even more barely cracking the door of the closet, I still find that this is an area that impacts not only my future, my hopes, but really the very lives of some of my best and most important friends. Further, to destroy a quote by a great man; "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". We, as citizens hoping to be free, owe it to ourselves and our succeeding generations to tackle discrimination. So, forgive me if I join the fight late....better late than never.
I learned an odd thing today. It was President Clinton who signed the law defining marriage as existing between one man and one woman. I would have thought that to be something directly from the republican agenda. No matter, right being right, wrong being wrong, there is no doubt that this very law has been a source of division and discrimination. I'm so very glad that President Obama has chosen to re-examine the government's stand on the topic and realize the fundamental unfairness of the thing entire.
Some days ago, I was searching for a few bits of understanding on equal rights, civil rights, rights for, well, all people of these United States. I find that such searches often reveal odd treasures. This is a relatively long writing, so I will only provide the link. But, I encourage everyone to stop and read this writer. He has really taken the very arguments that seem the backbone of anti-gay marriage proponents and looked at them critically - something I find I doubt those same proponents bothered to do. In time, you will likely find yourself in a discussion about the topic, and this gentleman writer's analysis of the main arguments will be of serious help.
Friends, I don't have the answers. If you read my blog thinking I do you are in for some very real disappointments. Frankly, I screw things up so often I've gotten a case of athlete's tongue from the amount of time my foot is in my mouth. The best I figure I can do is look, share, and hope you all care enough to correct me where you see I've missed.
There is no doubt, though, that this topic - which I labeled not as gay marriage, but as 'marriage and equality' for a reason - that this topic will continue on as people voice their hopes, opinions and discriminations. It is interesting that so often folks seem to need something to be discriminatory over to make their own lives appear better.
I read the articles and found them really great. You named it right. I am a bisexual pastor. I know how mainstream pastors use the Bible to reject people they don't think are "normal". They need to follow what Jesus actually taught.
It is good to have people like you out here. Don't worry so much about the athlete's tongue, we all mistakes at one time or another. It is just part of life.
I have often thought that this country has a lot of balls complaining about other countries lack of human rights...... it has always seemed to me that until the USA has equal rights for everyone we have no right to complain about other countries. Marriage rights for gays is just one of those issues. I also agree with bffmc1 about how pastors twist the bible for their own purpose, which is why i refuse to go to any organized religion service.
Hello bffmc1;
Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I wish I had met you when I was younger and needed a pastor who wasn't judgemental.
Welcome to the blog...and please feel free to chime in where-ever you feel. -randy.
Hello Bern;
We do seem to go sticking our self-righteous nose into things a lot, huh?
I do agree with you and bffmc1 regarding the abuse of scripture. I often wonder what God has to say when one uses His words in such a way. It surely can't be good.
Well, have a great day, my friend. -randy.
hi Randy
i was raised going to the Bible Prespitern church. our minister was Carl McIntyre who founded the church... he believed in the absolute literal translation of the king james version of the bible...... however only where it was in agreement with his doctrine..... hmmm... seems to me you cant have it both ways....especially he contantly preached "literal" translation ....when i called him on this issue he got really angry with me....that's when i left the church.... plus in the days of the anti vietnam war marches this fool was leadint kill the commie marches....
Hello Randy
Just one question for the biblical literalists - if you are so opposed to gay marriage, why do you still eat seafood and wear mixed textile clothes, as those 'prohibitions' appear in the same book?
Love & best wishes
Sammy B
Hi Sammy and Bern;
You both bring some great questions about motives. I think you both struck the same chord on this: a man using God's Word to legitimize his own issues. I'm still of the opinion that Jesus said He was the fulfillment of the law, and then gave two laws: love God; love thy neighbor. That's it. If we do one, we do the other, and if we can't do one then we won't do the other. Life becomes so very simple when we give it the moment to be. Hugs! randy
I have a "simple?" question: Is marriage realy the "non plus ultra"?
Greatings Nikki
Hi Nikki;
You ask a good question. I may not be the best to answer this, so others please chime in.
But first, for those like me who learned a new word today: "non plus ultra" is latin and means roughly the uttermost, nothing beyond.
Is marriage in and of itself so great? I guess you would have to ask those who are married. But, let's put it in other terms. How about cars? Let's then say that only white people may have cars... if someone not classified as "white" wanted one, too bad. White's only. Now, other "races" may have scooters, and thereby get around town just fine; go to the market, go to the movies, make it to work on time - and all for less gas! See, what fine fellows those "white" people are allowing others such a cost effective mode of transportation. And, as long as said people don't want a car they will likely be just fine with that. Unless it rains, snows, is cold, hot, a dust storm, mosquito's......
Someone may come along and ask in his best "Oliver" voice..'please sir, I want more'. Well, you can't handle more. More is against God's will. Allowing non-whites to have cars would jeapordize the sanctity of car ownership. It would create a slippery slope....next thing they'd want rocket ships to the moon and Jupiter.
No, marriage isn't the focus. The focus is being treated as one should be treated, the same as every other man, with equal respect under the law.
Good question, and thanks for the new word.
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