I am doing a bit of catch up today... comments, housework, and hold on tight -- a blog post!! But, I wanted to send you all off to one of my favorite stops: http://northdakotaman.tumblr.com/ I've sort of lurked about his blog for some time now, enjoying most of his postings. Today I took the extra step of posting a comment.. so maybe not such a lurker now?? Anyway, stop by and see what you can find to fill your soul.

It's no secret I'm no fan of Faux news. They report not news but conjecture and fear mongering. They rant and rave about small things while ignoring real violations of what should be essential to a free America all in the effort of creating sheep - frightened people looking for a savior while being bent on making the rich richer, the poor irrelevent, and anything acceptable as long as it's for money.
Now, relate back to the quote by Lennon: fear makes us pull in and not experience life.
I don't want to be afraid. I don't want to be just a paycheck from starvation. I don't want to be a hospital visit from losing everything. I don't want to be concerned that my drinking water is contaminated, that my boss could fire me for being gay, or that my neighbor - a moron that can't even spell republican but he "are" one because they protect a man's right to protect himself (oddly enough, it's the rest of us that need protection from him!). I don't want to live in fear! I want to experience life, live knowing that it's the man in front of them that people see and not some prejudicial judgement. I want to break down the walls I've felt necessary to build up and I want to feel love. Is that too much to ask Faux news?
There has been a huge shift in "news" reporting in the last couple of decades. When I took journalism in high school and college, and worked in newsgathering and airing for 25 years, news was to be objective and fairly reported. Now, it's all about "analysis" and "commentary", and it's not identified as such, which pisses me off. Don't forget, these news organizations are playing to the lowest common denominator (just like NASCAR and NFL and all the other mindless crap that people worship on TV). Oddly enough, companies buy ads, thus supporting this nonsense. Until those ads dry up, the spittle will fly from these oafs.
Peace <3
Hi Jay;
I was reading on your site about your thoughts regarding the olympics and boycotts. And, your comment here sort of catches that same thought: the commercials drive the lies just as they will do anything for sales, so faux type news shows will do anything to garner those commercial revenues. The irony is that I can imagine any boycott of the commercial corporations for their support of faux, the backlash will be a "homosexual agenda denying the freedom of speech and religious freedoms". Sometimes, I guess, there is no winning.
You know, you can comment on my blog! I love everyone's thoughts.
And yes, no win, no matter what.
Peace <3
Hi Jay;
You know, I started my comment at least twice, and just couldn't get my thoughts together. You know how that is... an idea that just won't come together. Sometimes, I just need more time and even just a bit of a nudge to get that last step...
But, I do visit your blog regularly. I'm sorry I don't comment more, but sometimes you are the impetus to give me an idea for a post of my own.
MILES wrote a comment but asked a portion to be removed. Since I can't do that, I've copied his comment and will repost it... but it will show under my name. Here it is:
Hi Randy; hi Jay, Randy, you wrote in your 16th Feb. 1242PM-comment to Jay:"..., the backlash will be a "homosexual agenda denying the freedom of speech and religious freedoms". Sometimes, I guess, there is no winning." Dear Randy, shouldn't we better try and fight? For me that would make more sense, than giving my life to the influence of the haters. And that is exactely the place, where they want to have us at. --- so they always can act as winners. I mean, my life was fighting and will be fighting for a better world, ... and that shall be fighting till the end. What have we got from "giving in"! Plainly it has gotten worse and even more worse, --- and nobody seems to notice. Maybe even that is one of the haters-strategies: Make LGBT-people feel guilty, and you win peoples minds and sympathy.
with rainbowhugs <3 miles
Hi Miles;
You know, on the one level, I want to say most definitely yes. On the other, I feel like it is similar to waving a steak in front of a hungry lion... you know he is going to lunge and snap, and you hope it is only the steak that gets bit. If it was just me that got bit, I could likely handle that ok. But, there are people like Jadin Bell in my sidebar who - mostly like me - just want to live a quiet life and be treated decently. Do I stir up that lion, or more like, that hornet nest, just to tell them what they refuse to hear and have no problem destroying anyone to declare their righteousness? I mean, look at Bryan Fischer, at Westboro - these are not rational people, and the only thing less rational are their followers who have given up on thinking.
I want to be forever young, forever charging the windmills of prejudice and hate, but sometimes those fights destroy innocent lives. I just don't know what to do with that threat.
But, I do want to say that the mere fact that this issue is in the international conversations gives rise to hope that the conclusion is near. Equality is not something that can be swept under the rug now. To use a German term, the zeitgeist has arrived, I believe.
You know, it wasn't all that long ago that the 1965 Civil Rights Act put away a lot of the racism issues, and has really been a generation solution as kids grow up in the understanding of what is simply not acceptable. That same thing is happening for gay people.
Rainbow hugs to you too, my friend!
Hi Randy, I have to answer:
yes we had an openly gay Minister of Foreign affairs. But equality is swept under the rug as the Edathy-case in Germany shows everyone who has his eyes open, it is even worse: This SPD politician, ordered films from Asov Canada, of naked kids below 14. they were Rumanean kids, whose parents said, they didn't know, their kids were filmed.
What happened is the following: This Edathy got spied on and was found out by some Canadian special task force. and the german police started following him secretly. From there on nothing is known as facts. Edathy started --- without him knowing --- a strong crisis of the newly formed Government - with a minister resigning already - and others are believed, to follow soon., the newly formed Government of conservatives and socialist-party members.
Newpapers just started to argument/ lie, as that GOP member Paul Camaron did (look at Scotties pls.)
... and the police just happily jumped on that disparagement, of someone, who is not even accused yet. But this shows, how widespread around the world the HATERS are alreadydoing eveerything to promote their illiberal and illegal case.
The TeleKom , the largest internet-provider-company in Germany is - by using their comment-function on this topic even worse than facebook could be; people demand killing that "predator" and castrate him and so on.
It is worth to know, that Edaty is an immgrant from India.
So, Randy, sorry, "That same thing is N O T happening for gay people. It doesn't help to close the eyes, to not see what is happening around us.
Maybe you should take a look to Russia. ... And scottie is showing us the irrationality of US-haters.
And you might look at me, I had 18 - eighteen - boy-related blogs--- deleted!!! - and I didnt have one blog with naked kids, scottie once wrote, you could let a child look at my different blogs.
with really kind rainbowhugs.
<3 miles
Hallo Randy,
Hallo Miles,
our so-called elected governments are only implementing organs of the economy.
In order to change anything politically, the economy must be taken.
That means - economic boycott.
This already worked several times - think of Shell with the oil platform "Brent Star".
What percentage of our "economic miracle population" would participate in it?
Who wants to give up consumption today?
Respectively who of the younger generations can at all do without consumption?
Gruß Nikki
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