Another Fox News pundit pines for fake TV version of America
Here's Fox News pundit Todd Starnes, waxing philosophic about simpler times.
This is Jim Nabors, the actor who played Gomer Pyle on the Andy Griffith Show, the fine show Mr. Starnes refers to as the longed for reality of a model america.I grew up in a time when father still knew best—when Mr. Cunningham was dispensing words of wisdom to Fonzie, when Andy took Opie fishing and when Cliff Huxtable declared that he brought his son into the world and he could take him out. It was a time when Hollywood reinforced the values of the traditional American family. Television shows like The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie and The Brady Bunch presented portraits of strong families where parents ruled the roost and children knew their place.All of those characters are, of course, from the teevee and not from real life. We should point this out because Todd Starnes ain't gonna, and I have a cold right now and am feeling decidedly under the weather so I'm just going to pause here for you to insert your own observations as to all the bits of real-world American life and history Mr. Cunningham and Andy and the Brady Bunch conspicuously left out because, well, duh. Go ahead, go for it, I'll wait here.
Those are some good points, all of you. All right, let's cut to the chase.
Those days are long gone. Nowadays, children know best and dads are portrayed as dithering dolts. Instead of a mom and dad and two kids, the cul-de-sac includes families with two mommies or two daddies or a mommy who identifies as a daddy—and they’ve been saddled with gender-neutral offspring.Starnes goes on to say that this conspicuous lack of Andy and Opie is conspiring to make good decent folks get divorces, because we ain't in the Leave it to Beaver version of the 1950s anymore and your wife can ask you for a divorce if you're caught in the backroom making out with a member of your campaign staff and you aren't allowed to beat her senseless until she changes her mind and begs you for forgiveness—I'm paraphrasing, of course, but I think I have the gist of the Starnes point—but I think we should leave it at the Todd Starnes Gendered Footwear Hypothesis. To sum up, the Waltons got cancelled, Marsha Marsha Marsha, the womenfolk wear boots nowadays and because of that the American institution of marriage is going right down the crapper.The modern family has been deconstructed. Women are wearing combat boots and according to The New York Times, men are wearing ladies’ shoes. No wonder everyone’s confused.
That's some top-notch punditing right there. I can see why Fox pays this fellow the big bucks.
Okay, here's my point:
And, this is Jim Nabors, that same actor, who in REALITY was gay. Did you catch that Mr. Starnes? He was GAY! I believe this is his husband.
This is the difference between MAKE BELIEVE and REALITY. As luck would have it, working at Fox News means you don't need to bother with reality.
Hello Randy
This kind of garbage is the product of the right, especially the religious right, keeping the shheple's fear factor high to push a particular social agenda, one where women and children are chattels, and minorities (especially LGBT, of course, we're the root of all evil, after all, in their canon) can be flagellated with impunity. And with the unspoken economic corollary that only straight, white, Christian men are worthy of acquiring wealth, and thereby putting themselves in a position to rule the world. 'Dad knows best' imposed on us all, regardless of how bigoted and ignorant 'Dad' is.
Love & best wishes
Sammy B
Hi Sammy;
I would like to find an argument with your take... can't seem to find one.
It's amazing to think that anyone with a brain would think that the TV shows of the 50's and 60's were showing reality even back then. But then, these pundits aren't paid to think, just get ratings.
Peace <3
I am constantly stunned that those who know the least about history make such wildly inaccurate statements about what history was, and that they are so convinced they , and only they are right. Hugs.
Hi Everyone...
sorry to be so slow on responses to your very good comments. I've sort of been scrambling a bit, trying to do all the small tasks without stressing out. I'm not succeding too well... the small tasks are still piling up, but at least I'm not stressed out about it :).
As far as your comments, Jay and Scott... right one the money!
Hi Everyone...
sorry to be so slow on responses to your very good comments. I've sort of been scrambling a bit, trying to do all the small tasks without stressing out. I'm not succeding too well... the small tasks are still piling up, but at least I'm not stressed out about it :).
As far as your comments, Jay and Scott... right one the money!
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